Happy 2016!
As we enter into a fresh and shiny new year, we figured why not jump on the resolution bandwagon!
Usually, Luke and I aren’t big New Year’s resolution people. I don’t think you should need a new year to roll around to make a resolution. Why wait till your calendar runs out of pages to decide to go after something? Plus, most stereotypical January first promises are doomed to fail by February. But HEY, what’s the harm in a little goal setting? We decided to go for some big picture reminders for our resolutions this year. Things we want to embody and embrace in the coming twelve months.
It just so happens that 2016 has rolled in just as Luke and I have been talking about the future of Rabble & Twine. We’re re-evaluating where we want this to go and figuring out how to get there. We’re streamlining, focusing, and changing gears a bit. 2016 will be an exciting year, starting with a redesign of this website with more going on behind the scenes.
Without further ado…2016 we’re comin’ for ya!
You know, the whole Rocky Horror – Don’t dream it! Be it! – situation. We know that 2016 will be a big creative year for us so we’re aiming to dive in and immerse ourselves in our passions and connect with our creative community.
We’re looking to push ourselves artistically this year. A big part of that is feeling positive and confident in our artistic choices, voices, and abilities. It’s time to get out of our comfort zones and chase curiosity wherever it may lead. Here’s to going after it in a boldly confident manner!
Along with the updates here on the blog. We’ll be stepping into the world of real deal business planning for the future. Yikes/Yay! It’s super exciting and sorta scary. We’re ready as we’ll ever be. It’s time.
The counter part to Kicking into Boss Mode. In order to make sure we are living in the present and not just planning for the future or burning ourselves out, Luke and I are going to try to make room for self care in our lives. Sometimes we forget that taking time for ourselves is important.
Inspiration is everywhere and adventures await!
How about you? Any resolutions for 2016?
Let’s see, I resolve to
1) embrace spontaneity more (I’ve been an old dog lately)
2) reach out to friends in a consistent way
3) if I feel a rut coming on, plan something special to look forward to (i.e. Look beyond the rut)
New Years eve was very inspirational! Thanks for being such wonderful friends.