I am finishing up my last project with Larkspur before the big move. A dance film! I am psyched about this ambitious undertaking. The shoot date approaching signifies the of the end of Larkspur as we know it. Our relationships are transforming once again. I think the sentimentality of this transformation is embodied in the piece. I can feel it when we dance! Besides my family, the dance company is the hardest thing for me to leave behind. I can’t thank my dancers enough for their hard work and dedication to bringing my dreams and visions to life. The wonderful women in the company boost my creative confidence and have helped me hone my choreographic voice, for that I am forever grateful.

The long winter had me yearning for spring (along with the rest of New England, am I right?). Under the piles of snow, I started to think about myths and legends related to the change of the seasons. Maybe it is the number of times I’ve seen Disney’s Fantasia but I always picture nymphs and fairies as the catalyst for the seasons to change. Nymphs in mythology are typically depicted as beautiful, young maidens who love frolic in nature singing and dancing their hearts out. Their amorous freedom set them apart from restricted and chaste women of society. Oh you sexy nymphs! Thinking of nymphs lead me down the rabbit hole to muses. Another mythological female figure that bring inspiration and innovation to those who call upon them. What can I say? I’m a sucker for a fairy tale!
If you saw last week’s post you know I’ve been thinking a lot about rituals lately. If you ask me, rituals to go hand in hand magical nymphs in the woods. What are those nymphs up to in their spare time? I assume they are performing ritualistic magic dances in their aunt’s yard on grassy knolls. I wanted the choreography to evoke a feeling of ritual. Movement with strength and power in it and an air mystery. It was important to me that the gestures kept an abstract quality. A timeless repetitive calling out of natural forces. We’ll see if it all comes through in the final footage!
I decided to title the piece “Full Circle” for several reasons. Obviously, the cyclical nature of seasons and the feeling of ritual it evokes. More than that, the very first piece I set on the company, “Imprint Remains” was inspired by myths and legends that focused on women as figures of death. I was struggling to find my footing in my new east coast life and needed to do a dance of mourning. This piece feeling of new life. When I look at how much the lives of all the dancers in the company have changed since that first piece, I can’t help but think that this piece is us dancing into the new versions of ourselves. We have come Full Circle.
I’ll be sharing a behind the scenes of our video shoot and the final product with you in future posts! Stayed tuned!
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