This weekend Luke and I headed out to the North Carolina Art Museum to see their exhibit The Worlds of M.C. Escher: Nature, Science, and Imagination. It was a rainy Saturday afternoon, so we knew it would be packed but holy shit – it was insane! I overheard a docent saying there had been 1,067 people to see the exhibit so far that day (we were there around noon). People were freaking EVERYWHERE!
Are you really sure that a floor can’t also be a ceiling?M.C. Escher
Time after time Luke and I were blown away by the attention to detail. The observational prowess he must have had! And all those minute, meticulous movements necessary with his printmaking technique. They included a great quote from one of Escher’s sons describing the long, slow progression from abstract idea, to finished work, and the inevitable disappointment with how the final result could never match the perfection of the abstract notion he was trying to conveyI wish I wrote it down! Photography wasn’t allowed.
The exhibit left us wanting to know more, explore more, and be immersed in Escher’s art world more! The best you could hope for on a rainy Saturday in a crowded art museum.
Some Favorites